There is little doubt that Carrie Underwood is the biggest star to emerge from “American Idol,” a fact underlined by the star’s hefty concert paydays.
The singer commands a $500,000 guarantee per concert, a figure that can balloon based on ticket sales, according to contract documents. Underwood banks significantly more than other “Idol” winners like Kelly Clarkson and Phillip Phillips, the 2012 “Idol” winner who is paid $150,000 per gig.
While the 31-year-old Underwood, who won the fourth season of the TV talent competition, is likely the highest paid female country singer, her backstage demands--as detailed in her 2014 concert rider--would not be mistaken for those of other chart-topping stars.
Along with “well SANITIZED restrooms,” Underwood, who is a vegan, requires her dressing room to be stocked with an organic vegetable tray with non-dairy dips, three flavored hummus dips, sugar-free Extra chewing gum, and a box of peppermint Altoids.
Underwood’s rider also stipulates that, owing to a sponsorship deal with smartwater, “Under no circumstances should any other water/fruit water products be placed on stage or in the meet and greet and dressing room areas.” (1 page)